Friday, June 27, 2008

Great Alaska Martial Arts Festival & Tournament

On Saturday June 21st I participated in the Second Annual Great Alaska Martial Arts Festival & Tournament at the UAA sports center. Chung's Tae Kwon Do Alaska had a very good showing by percentage. All of the participants over the age of seven won first place in their sparring competition. The youth took first place in poomse (forms) while we old guys took second place in our poomse divisions.

I really wish I could post the sparring video, but I haven't been able to get a copy myself. I was a lot better matched this time. My opponent was probably five years older than me and fifty pounds lighter, but we were rather evenly matched in skill and speed. Since it is light contact and not death-match, my bigger size actually goes against me.

In the picture from left to right are Conner, Evan, Alex, me, Master Ron, and Caitlin. Evan is the brown belt that I always have to spar for my belt tests. His son Conner is up for the summer and his other boy Alex is in the little kids class. Caitlin is own of the three teenagers who add chatter to our workouts.

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