Friday, June 20, 2008

Taekwondo Belt Test

After the parade I had to run over to my Do Jang for my belt test. I earned my high-green belt (which is considered the highest "beginner"rank).

The kids get upset at me when I compare my Taekwondo ranks to their Karate ranks since the two schools have different philosophies on earning rank and therefore have different frequencies in the testing cycle (I can test every two to three months whereas they test two to three times per year).

I thought I'd finally get some video of me in action on this blog. The girl filming this didn't frame the shot well enough for you to see what I'm doing to break the board. It is a step-behind side-kick.

I'm going to tournament tomorrow, so I may have some humiliating story to add next week with regards to my sparring or poomse (forms) competitions.

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